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약 20년이 지난 2022년 9월 기상청에서는 이례적으로 '한번도 경험해보지 못했다' '기상청 기록 이후 이런 기록은 없었다'는 등, 기상청의 발표들로만 볼때, 이번 태풍 "힌남노"가 얼마나 위력이 대단한 지를 가늠할 수 있다.
기상청은 태풍 "힌남노" 발생에 관한 정확한 발표를 통해 "언제, 어디서부터, 어디로, 어떻게 올 것"이라는 정보를 연일 보도했고, 창원시도 지난 매미 때와 같은 실수를 반복하지 않겠다는 의지를 홍남표 시장과 5천여 공무원 그리고 관련 관계자들과 시민들은 보여주었다.
이는 지난 2003년 태풍 "매미"를 통해 축적된 경험을 십분 잘 살려 모든 행정과 정치 그리고 시민들의 일심된 행동의 결과라고 평가 할 수 있을 것이다.
역대 최대, 최고, 최악이라는 이름으로 모든 기상청 기록을 갈아치운 태풍 "힌남노" 는 엄청난 양의 강수량과 강풍을 동반했지만 피해를 최소화 시키기 위한 홍남표 시장과 시민들 그리고 관계자 특히 5천여 명의 창원시 공무원들의 노고가 있었기에 가능했던 일이었다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
[Reporter's Handbook] Changwon City's Greatest Typhoon "Hinnamno" Response
"There were no mistakes like the typhoon 'Cicada'"
In September 2003, Typhoon Maemi struck Masan, causing 18 deaths and 30 lives, and causing serious damage to the extent of inflicting 600 billion won in property damage.
In September 2022, about 20 years later, the Korea Meteorological Administration has never experienced anything unusual. Only by looking at the announcements of the Meteorological Agency, such as that there has been no such record since the Meteorological Administration's record, it is possible to estimate how powerful this typhoon "Hinnamno" is.
The Korea Meteorological Administration reported every day information about “when, where, where, and how it will come” through an accurate announcement about the occurrence of typhoon “Hin Nam-no”, and Mayor Hong Nam-pyo of Changwon also expressed his will not to repeat the same mistake as in the case of Maemi. and more than 5,000 civil servants and related officials and citizens showed.
On the 6th, after typhoon "Hinnamno" passed, Changwon City announced that it passed without major damage through the active cooperation of citizens and the hard work of civil servants and the cooperation of related organizations to minimize damage.
This can be evaluated as the result of the concerted action of all administration, politics and citizens by making full use of the experience accumulated through typhoon "Maemi" in 2003.
Typhoon "Hinnamno", which broke all records of the Korea Meteorological Administration with the name of the largest, best, and worst ever, was accompanied by a huge amount of precipitation and strong winds, but the hard work of Mayor Hong Nam-pyo, citizens, and related parties, especially about 5,000 Changwon city officials, to minimize damage. It was possible because there was.
The unity of the citizens of Changwon, who showed strength in the crisis, seems to have wisely responded to the "Hin Nam-no", which was called the greatest typhoon of all time. However, damage from the typhoon has been taking place one after another. I would like to ask the people involved to finish it well until the end, and I would also like to express my gratitude for your hard work. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
제보는 breakgn@naver.com