이날 구점득 의원은 공유재산관리계획안 중 ‘구암현대시장 공영주차장 조성사업’ 건에 대한 반대 토론을 했다. 사업의 타당성에 대하여 사전에 충분히 검토하고 또, 협의하여 예산이 허투루 사용되는 것을 경계하고 있지만, 공무원과 의회가 이러한 절차를 너무도 가볍게 여기고, 법을 위반하면서도 죄의식을 느끼지 못하고, 이러한 일들이 반복되고 있다는 것이 더 큰 문제라고 지적했다.
이후 박승엽 의원이 입장을 밝혔고, 이에 구점득 의원이 또 다시 입장을 밝혔으며, 문순규 의원이 입장을 밝히는 것으로 마무리 됐다.
창원시의회의 일정은 유튜브를 통해 100만 창원시민들이 생방송으로 지켜보거나, 다시보기를 통해 창원시와 창원시의회에서 일어나는 시정을 시민들이 볼 수 있도록 공개해 시민들에게 알리고 있다.
이번 의회에서 보여준 창원시의원들의 모습은 창원시와 창원시의회 나아가 시의원들 간에 서로 소통이 안되고 있음을 자명하게 보여준 것으로 밖에는 해석이 되지 않는다. 이번 의회에서 보여준 모습을 창원시민들이 여과없이 그대로 봤을텐데, 시민들은 의원들의 모습에서 무엇을 보고, 어떤 평가를 할지 사뭇 궁금해진다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
The 2nd plenary session of the 133rd extraordinary session shows the level of Changwon City Council...
Changwon City Council, no communication.
The 2nd plenary session of the 133rd Extraordinary Session of the Changwon City Council was held at the plenary room on the 16th with 38 of the 45 members in attendance.
On this day, Rep. Gu Jeom-deuk debated against the ‘Guam Hyundai Market Public Parking Lot Construction Project’ among the public property management plans. The feasibility of the project has been thoroughly reviewed and discussed in advance to ensure that the budget is not wasted, but public officials and the National Assembly take these procedures too lightly, do not feel guilty while violating the law, and such incidents are repeated. pointed out that this is a bigger problem.
In response, Rep. Kim Kyung-soo said, "All the lawmakers are working hard and passionately. It's unfortunate." At the same time, he stated his position, “It was included in the main budget for 2024 and passed by the Economic and Welfare Budget Committee, and 1 billion won was passed again in this supplementary budget.”
Afterwards, Rep. Park Seung-yeop expressed his position, then Rep. Koo Jeom-deuk expressed his position again, and it ended with Rep. Moon Soon-gyu expressing his position.
The schedule of the Changwon City Council is being made public so that 1 million Changwon citizens can watch it live on YouTube or watch it again through replays so that citizens can see the city affairs taking place in Changwon City and the Changwon City Council.
The appearance of the Changwon City Council members in this assembly can only be interpreted as clearly showing that there is no communication between Changwon City and the Changwon City Council, as well as the city council members. The citizens of Changwon would have seen what was shown at this National Assembly without any filtering, and I am very curious about what they will see in the members of the National Assembly and how they will evaluate it. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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