[브레이크뉴스=이성용 기자] 국토부가 ‘노후계획도시 정비 및 지원에 관한 특별법(이하 노후계획도시특별법)’ 시행령을 입법 예고한 가운데 시행령에 산업단지 배후도시인 창원시가 특별정비구역 대상으로 지정됨에 따라서 창원시의 오랜 숙원사업인 사파·가음·성주·중앙·반송·용지·웅남·상남·용호·신월 등 단독주택지 재개발 또는 아파트 재건축 등 도시정비 추진 사업이 탄력을 받게 됐다.
강기윤 의원은 국토교통부가 1일 ‘노후계획도시 정비 및 지원에 관한 특별법’ 시행령을 입법 예고하며, 특별정비구역 대상에‘산업입지 및 개발에 관한 법률’에 따른 산업단지개발사업이 포함됨에 따라 창원 등 국가산단 배후도시 지역도 특별정비구역에 지정됐다고 밝혔다.
강 의원은 지난해 국토교통위원회 소관 노후계획도시특별법 법안 심사 과정에서 창원 국가산단 조성 당시 대규모로 조성된 배후 주거단지도 노후화가 심각함에 따라 주민들의 정주 환경 개선이 시급함을 토로하며 창원시가 반드시 포함되어야 한다며 국토위 의원들과 국토부 차관 등에게 자료를 전달하고, 강력하게 설득했다.
또한, 국토 도시 실장을 의원실에서 직접 만나 노후계획도시특별법 시행령에 창원시가 포함되어야 하는 필요성을 설명하고 지난해 11월 확답을 받았으며, 이번 시행령에 창원시가 포함될 수 있도록 관철시켰다.
이번 노후계획도시특별법 시행령에 창원시가 포함됨으로써 ▲특별정비구역 건폐율과 인동 간격 (건물간격)은 조례에도 불구하고 「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」 및 건축법 상한까지 완화 ▲용적율「국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률」상한(500%)의 150%까지 상향(최대 750%) ▲특별정비예정구역 내에서 통합 재건축을 하면서 조례로 정한 비율 이상의 공공기여를 제공하는 경우에 안전진단 면제 ▲노후계획도시 정비에 필요한 각종 비용 보조 및 융자 규정 ▲세분화된 용도지역별 건축물 종류 제한에서 용도지역별 건축물 종류 제한으로 완화 등 특별정비구역에 대한 특례 및 지원을 받을 수 있게 됐다.
강기윤 의원은 “창원시는 ‘산업입지 및 개발에 관한 법률’에 근거해 1980년대 조성된 산업단지 배후도시로 계획되어 1기 신도시보다 훨씬 이전에 조성하여 건축물의 안전, 주차난, 층간소음, 기반시설 인프라 노후화 문제가 심각하다”며, “창원시가 노후계획도시 특별법상 정비대상에 포함됨에 따라, 오랜 숙원사업인 사파·가음·성주·중앙·반송·용지·웅남·상남·용호·신월 등 단독주택지 재개발 및 아파트 재건축이 가능해져 도시환경 개선과 삶의 질 향상을 기대할 수 있게 되어 너무나 기쁘고 보람 있었다”며 “확 달라질 창원에 대한 기대가 크며, 하루빨리 재건축과 재개발이 이루어질 수 있도록 최선을 다 할”것이라고 밝혔다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Rep. Kang Ki-yoon passes the ‘Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Aging Planned Cities, including Changwon City’
A long-awaited project… Rapid redevelopment and reconstruction possible
While the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced the enactment of the enforcement ordinance of the 'Special Act on Maintenance and Support of Old Planned Cities (hereinafter referred to as the Special Act on Redevelopment and Support of Old Planned Cities)', Changwon City, a city behind the industrial complex, was designated as a special development zone in the enforcement ordinance, and Changwon City's long-awaited project, Sapa Urban redevelopment projects such as redevelopment of single-family residential areas or apartment reconstruction in Gaeum, Seongju, Jungang, Bansong, Yongji, Ungnam, Sangnam, Yongho, and Shinwol have gained momentum.
Representative Kang Ki-yoon said that the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced on the 1st the enforcement ordinance of the 'Special Act on the Maintenance and Support of Old Planned Cities' and that the industrial complex development project in accordance with the 'Industrial Sites and Development Act' is included in the special development zone, Changwon. It was announced that urban areas behind national industrial complexes, such as those in the area, have also been designated as special maintenance zones.
Last year, during the review process of the Special Act on Aging Planning and Cities under the jurisdiction of the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee, Rep. Kang expressed the urgent need to improve the residential environment of residents as the residential complexes behind them, which were built on a large scale during the creation of the Changwon National Industrial Complex, were also seriously deteriorating, saying that Changwon City must be included. We delivered data to members of the Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee and the Vice Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and strongly persuaded them.
In addition, I met with the head of the Land and Urban Affairs Department in person at the assemblyman's office and explained the need for Changwon City to be included in the Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Aging Planning and Cities. I received confirmation in November of last year, and carried out the inclusion of Changwon City in this enforcement ordinance.
With the inclusion of Changwon City in the Enforcement Decree of the Special Act on Aging Planned Cities, ▲ the building-to-land ratio and building spacing (building spacing) in the special development zone are relaxed to the upper limit of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act and the Building Act despite the ordinance ▲ floor area ratio 「national land planning and Increased by 150% of the upper limit (500%) of the “Act on Utilization” (maximum 750%) ▲Exemption from safety diagnosis in cases where public contribution exceeding the ratio set by ordinance is provided during integrated reconstruction within a special development scheduled area ▲Old-plan city Various cost subsidies and loan regulations required for maintenance ▲It is now possible to receive special treatment and support for special maintenance areas, such as relaxation from restrictions on building types by detailed use area to restrictions on building type by use area.
Rep. Kang Ki-yoon said, “Changwon City was planned as an industrial complex hinterland city created in the 1980s based on the ‘Industrial Location and Development Act’, and was built much earlier than the first new city, so it had problems such as building safety, parking difficulties, noise between floors, and infrastructure. “The aging problem is serious,” he said. “As Changwon City is included in the redevelopment target under the Special Act on Planned Old Cities, the long-awaited project is the redevelopment of single-family residential areas such as Sapa, Gaeum, Seongju, Jungang, Bansong, Yongji, Woongnam, Sangnam, Yongho, and Shinwol.” “It was very happy and rewarding to be able to expect improvements in the urban environment and quality of life as the reconstruction of apartments and apartments became possible,” he said. “I have high expectations for a completely different Changwon, and I will do my best to ensure that reconstruction and redevelopment takes place as soon as possible.” revealed. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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