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게시판 내용에 따르면 "큰 동그라미 옆에 있는 흰색 건물에서 한 때 큰 꿈을 가지고 최선을 다했었다. 그러나 최선을 다한 노력과 성과물의 결과를 결정하시는 높은 분의 입에서 항상 나오던 말은 돌대가리 baby, 무식한 놈, 멍청한 놈, 도둑놈 baby들..
나쁜 일을 한 것도 아니고, 거짓말을 한 것도 아니고, 이상한 짓을 한 것도 아니었는데.. 내가 부족했나, 생각이 짧았나 싶어서 진짜진짜 열심히 했었지만 결과는 위와 같은 말들뿐..
용기를 내서 최대한 버텨볼려고 했지만, 매번 그런 말을 들을 때마다 자존감은 무너지고, 의욕도 사라지고, 우을감은 자라나고..
나에게 부여된 등급의 숫자를 올리고 싶다는 꿈을 접고 모든 걸 내려놓고 흰색 건물을 벗어나니 조금은 나아진 것 같다.
그래도 위의 단어 같은 말로 인한 마음의 상처는 이미 트라우마가 되어서 내 마음 속에서 쉽게 나아지질 않는다"라는 내용이다.
이 같은 비관적인 글이 올라 왔는데 여기에 달린 댓글에서도 비슷한 맥락의 댓글이 올라와 그동안의 소문이 사실이 아닐까라는 뒷받침을 해주고 있다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
'Thief Baby' posted on Changwon City Union Bulletin Board is a hot topic
A rumor... was it true?
A post titled 'Stupid Baby, Ignorant, Stupid, Thief Baby' posted on the Changwon City Civil Servant Union Bulletin Board at 10:04 AM on the 22nd is causing a hot topic.
"I once had a big dream and did my best in the white building next to the big circle.
However, the words that always came out of the mouth of the higher-ups who decided the results of my best efforts and achievements were 'stone-headed baby, ignorant, stupid, thief baby..'
I didn't do anything bad, I didn't lie, I didn't do anything strange.. I wondered if I was lacking or short-sighted, so I tried really, really hard, but the results were only words like the above..
I tried to be brave and hold on as long as I could, but every time I heard those words, my self-esteem collapsed, my motivation disappeared, and my depression grew..
I gave up on my dream of raising the number of grades given to me, put everything down, and left the white building, so I felt a little better.
However, the emotional wounds caused by words like the above words have already become trauma, so they don't easily heal in my heart." A pessimistic post was uploaded, and there were similar comments in the comments, supporting the idea that the rumors that had been going on might be true.
"I vividly remember how the directors and managers I used to work with would come back from face-to-face reports with stern faces, looking extremely stressed, and no matter how much I explained to them, they would always say that they were stupid and couldn't live like this. I think this is an unspeakable hardship that most executives in the white building are experiencing. If you feel hurt by my harsh remarks, don't be too distressed. It will get better with time," he said to comfort them. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
제보는 breakgn@naver.com