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창원시 성산구(구청장 최영숙)는 23일 아이들이 안전하게 뛰어놀 수 있도록 노후화된 온누리 어린이공원(가음동 35-3)을 새롭게 단장했다고 밝혔다.
온누리 어린이공원은 어린이들의 놀이 수요가 높지만 놀이기구 등 시설의 노후도가 심해 안전사고 우려도 있었으며, 이와 관련한 민원이 지속해서 제기돼 왔다.
이에 지난해 특별조정교부금 1억 5천만 원을 지원받아 어린이놀이시설 탄성포장재 300㎡, 보도블럭 187㎡, 어린이놀이시설 바구니그네 등 5종 7개, 야외운동기구 4대, 어린이쉼터 1조, 공원안내판 1개 등을 설치하고, 금목서 등 6종 3,300본의 수목을 식재하여 생활 밀착형 공원 환경을 대폭 개선했다.
◆ 진해구, 고립‧은둔 청장년을 위한 떡국 밀키트 90세트 제작
진해구 소재 두꺼비사우나(대표 임경민)의 후원으로 마련된 ‘떡국 밀키트’는 손쉽게 끓여먹을 수 있도록 떡, 육수를 포함한 계란지단, 소고기볶음, 김가루 등 고명으로 구성되어 있으며, 정현섭 진해구청장과 사회복지과 직원들이 밀키트 포장에 직접 참여했다.
떡국 밀키트는 각 동 담당 공무원과 지역사회보장협의체 위원들이 직접 가정으로 방문 전달하며 명절 인사와 안부 등을 살필 계획이다.
◆ 마산합포구, 설 명절 대비 주요 관광지 안전점검
이번 점검은 설 명절을 앞두고 고향 방문과 함께 관광호텔, 야영장, 유원시설, 해양드라마세트장 등 주요 관광지의 방문이 급증할 것으로 예상됨에 따라 시설에 대한 안전 관리 체계를 점검했다.
주요 점검 사항은 △시설 내 소화기 비치 여부와 교체 주기 △건축물 주변 배수시설 상태 △이용자 안전수칙 부착 여부 등이다.
◆ 안제문 의창구청장, 설맞이 사회복지시설 위문
이날 안제문 의창구청장은 최근 한파로 인한 시설 입소자들의 건강을 살피고, 이용에 불편이 없는지 점검했으며, 시설 안전 관리 및 운영에 애쓴 종사자들의 노고를 격려했다.
또한, 대한노인회 창원시 창원지회를 방문하여 제15대 신임 이충훈 지회장과 함께 경로당 운영 활성화 방안에 대한 논의와 애로사항을 청취하고, 종사자들의 노고를 격려하는 시간을 보냈다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다. *The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
[Changwon-gu Office News] Seongsan-gu, Onnuri Children's Park, Close to Life, Renovated
On the 23rd, Seongsan-gu, Changwon City (Mayor Choi Young-sook) announced that it has renovated the aging Onnuri Children's Park (Gaum-dong 35-3) so that children can play safely.
Although Onnuri Children's Park has a high demand for children to play, there were concerns about safety accidents due to the aging of the playground equipment and other facilities, and complaints related to this have been continuously raised.
Accordingly, last year, with the support of 150 million won in special adjustment grants, 300㎡ of elastic paving materials for children's play facilities, 187㎡ of sidewalk blocks, 7 of 5 types of children's play facilities including basket swings, 4 outdoor exercise equipment, 1 children's shelter, 1 park information board, etc. were installed, and 3,300 trees of 6 types including golden moss were planted, drastically improving the park environment that is close to life.
◆ Jinhae-gu produces 90 sets of rice cake soup kits for isolated and secluded young adults
Jinhae-gu, Changwon City (Mayor Jeong Hyeon-seop) produced 90 sets of ‘rice cake soup kits’ on the 23rd to enable single-person households of young adults who are concerned about social isolation and seclusion to spend the holiday feeling the warmth of their neighbors ahead of the Lunar New Year.
The ‘rice cake soup kits’ prepared with the support of Dugeobi Sauna (CEO Lim Gyeong-min) located in Jinhae-gu are composed of rice cakes, broth, egg yolk, stir-fried beef, and seaweed powder, etc., so that they can be easily cooked. Mayor Jeong Hyeon-seop of Jinhae-gu and staff from the Social Welfare Division directly participated in packaging the meal kits.
The rice cake soup kits will be delivered directly to households by public officials in charge of each district and members of the local social security council, and they plan to check on holiday greetings and well-being.
◆ Masan Happo-gu, Safety Inspection of Major Tourist Attractions in Preparation for Seollal Holiday
Masan Happo-gu, Changwon City (Mayor Park Dong-jin) will conduct safety inspections of major tourist attractions in the district from the 17th to the 25th in cooperation with the city’s tourism department in preparation for Seollal.
This inspection was conducted to examine the safety management system of facilities in anticipation of a surge in visits to major tourist attractions such as tourist hotels, campgrounds, amusement facilities, and marine drama sets along with visits to hometowns ahead of Seollal.
Major inspection items include: △ Whether fire extinguishers are installed in the facility and their replacement cycles, △ The condition of drainage facilities around buildings, and △ Whether safety rules for users are posted.
◆ Uichang-gu Mayor Ahn Je-moon Visits Social Welfare Facilities in Preparation for Seollal
Uichang-gu, Changwon City (Mayor Ahn Je-moon) visited three welfare facilities for women and the elderly on the 23rd to deliver warm Seollal greetings and consolation gifts.
On this day, Mayor Ahn Je-moon of Uichang-gu Office checked on the health of residents of the facility due to the recent cold wave, checked for any inconveniences in use, and encouraged the hard work of the workers who worked hard to manage and operate the facility safely.
He also visited the Changwon branch of the Korea Senior Citizens Association and spent time discussing ways to revitalize the operation of senior centers with the 15th new branch president, Lee Chung-hoon, listening to their difficulties, and encouraging the hard work of the workers. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>