이번 훈련에는 창원시, 한국산업단지공단, LX한국국토정보공사 경남지역본부 등 관계기관이 참여하였으며, 월림지구 화재사고 발생 시 대응체계 구축을 위해 마련됐다.
합동훈련은 성산소방서 협조로 ▲훈련 대상지 내 사무동 건물 옥상에서 발화 ▲열화상 카메라 월림지구 블록형 모니터링 및 감지 ▲화재감지 시스템 인지 및 산단 플랫폼 관제 화면 표준위치 특정 ▲화재 위치 문자 송출 및 전파 순으로 진행됐다.
창원시는 2023년부터 2년간 산업통상자원부, 한국산업단지공단, LX한국국토정보공사와 함께 창원국가산단 월림지구를 특별안전구역으로 지정하여 열화상 카메라를 설치하여 화재감지 모니터링 시스템을 구축하였다.
특히, 열화상 카메라와 3D산단 디지털플랫폼을 연계해 화재를 신속히 탐지하고, 발화지점을 표준화된 위치정보로 변환해 소방당국에 즉시 제공하는 기술이 적용됐다. 2025년부터 스마트 안전솔루션 사업 확산을 통해 화재 감지 솔루션을 고도화할 예정이며, 창원산단 화재예방 안전관리에 큰 역할을 할 것으로 기대된다.
홍남표 창원시장은 “창원국가산단 월림지구의 화재감지 시스템을 통해 화재에 즉시 대응하여 인적·물적 손실을 최소화하고, 중소기업이 생산 활동에 전념할 수 있도록 선제적 사고 예방 역량을 강화해 나갈 것이다”고 말했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Changwon Special City, ‘Fire Detection Simulated Fire Training’
Establishment of a Fire Detection Monitoring System Based on Thermal Imaging Camera Installation
Changwon Special City announced on the 10th that it conducted a joint fire training to verify the ‘Special Safety Zone Smart Safety Solution Construction Project’ fire detection system at a company office building in the Wollim District of the Changwon National Industrial Complex.
Related organizations including Changwon City, Korea Industrial Complex Corporation, and LX Korea Land and Geospatial Informatix Corporation Gyeongnam Regional Headquarters participated in this training, and it was prepared to establish a response system in case of a fire accident in the Wollim District.
The joint training was conducted in the following order with the cooperation of Seongsan Fire Station: ▲Fire on the rooftop of an office building in the training area ▲Block-type monitoring and detection of the Wollim District using thermal imaging cameras ▲Fire detection system recognition and standard location specification on the industrial complex platform control screen ▲Fire location text transmission and propagation.
Changwon City, together with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea Industrial Complex Corporation, and LX Korea Land and Geospatial Informatix Corporation, designated the Wollim District of the Changwon National Industrial Complex as a special safety zone for two years starting in 2023 and installed thermal imaging cameras to establish a fire detection monitoring system.
In particular, technology was applied to quickly detect fires by linking thermal imaging cameras with the 3D industrial complex digital platform and convert the ignition point into standardized location information and immediately provide it to the fire department. Starting in 2025, the fire detection solution will be advanced through the expansion of the smart safety solution business, and it is expected to play a major role in the fire prevention and safety management of the Changwon Industrial Complex.
Mayor Hong Nam-pyo of Changwon said, “We will strengthen our preemptive accident prevention capabilities by immediately responding to fires through the fire detection system in the Wollim District of the Changwon National Industrial Complex and minimizing human and material losses, and allowing small and medium-sized enterprises to focus on production activities.” <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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