이번 행사는 지난달 30일부터 1일까지 지역의 7개 단감 가공업체가 참여하여 창원단감 가공품 전시‧홍보관을 운영하였으며, 단감테마공원 방문객들에게 단감으로 만든 다양한 가공품들을 홍보하고, 룰렛 이벤트를 통해 단감 가공품을 나눠주는 등 큰 인기를 끌었다.
또한, 창원단감을 활용한 체험프로그램인 단감 김치 만들기 체험을 진행했으며, 3대 1의 경쟁률을 뚫고 선정된 체험객 209명이 참여하여, 한국 전통문화인 김장놀이를 자연스럽게 배우고 공동체와 함께 음식을 나누는 경험을 통해 협동과 나눔의 가치를 배우는 등 유익한 시간으로 체험객들에게 높은 호응을 받았다.
최명한 창원특례시 농업기술센터 소장은 “이번 창원단감 융복합 전시‧체험 행사에 많은 시민들이 참여해주신 덕분에 추운 겨울이 오기 전 행복한 11월의 마지막 주말이었다”며, “앞으로 단감테마공원에서만 할 수 있는 차별화된 행사를 더욱더 추진할 수 있도록 노력할 테니 많은 관심 부탁드린다”고 전했다.
한편 이번 행사에는 가고파힐링푸드 (단감젤리, 단감콜라겐젤리), 그린하우스 (단감빵, 단감만쥬), 다경 (단감김치, 단감칩, 단감즙), 맑은내일 (단감와인, 단감증류주), 비엠푸드 (단감넛츠, 단감말랭이), 예림 (단감떡, 단감식혜), 이산글로벌 (단감잼) 업체가 참여했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Changwon Tangerine Convergence Exhibition and Experience Event Held
The taste of winter made with Changwon Tangerine
The Changwon Special City Agricultural Technology Center announced on the 2nd that the Changwon Tangerine Convergence Exhibition and Experience Event, which was held to continuously promote the excellence of Changwon Tangerine and processed Tangerine products after the 23rd Changwon Tangerine Festival, was successfully completed.
This event was held from the 30th of last month to the 1st with the participation of 7 local tangerine processing companies, and the Changwon Tangerine Processed Product Exhibition and Promotion Hall was operated. Various processed products made with tangerines were promoted to visitors to the Tangerine Theme Park, and processed Tangerine products were distributed through a roulette event, which was very popular.
In addition, an experience program using Changwon Tangerine, Tangerine Kimchi Making, was held, and 209 participants, who were selected through a 3 to 1 competition rate, participated, and learned the value of cooperation and sharing through the experience of naturally learning the Korean traditional culture of kimchi making and sharing food with the community, which was very well-received by the participants.
The director of the Changwon Special City Agricultural Technology Center, Choi Myeong-han, said, “Thanks to the participation of many citizens in the Changwon Tangerine Convergence Exhibition and Experience Event, it was a happy last weekend of November before the cold winter comes,” and added, “We will work hard to further promote differentiated events that can only be held at the Tangerine Theme Park in the future, so please show us a lot of interest.” Meanwhile, the following companies participated in this event: Gagopa Healing Food (Tangerine Jelly, Tangerine Collagen Jelly), Greenhouse (Tangerine Bread, Tangerine Manju), Da-gyeong (Tangerine Kimchi, Tangerine Chips, Tangerine Juice), Malgeun Naeil (Tangerine Wine, Tangerine Distilled Liquor), BM Food (Tangerine Nuts, Tangerine Dried Fruits), Yerim (Tangerine Rice Cake, Tangerine Sikhye), and Isan Global (Tangerine Jam). <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>