박완수 의장 “영·호남 협력은 선택이 아닌 생존의 문제”영·호남, 시·도지사·국회의원 첫 상생협력회의 개최
이번 회의는 영·호남 시·도지사협력회의 의장인 박완수 경남도지사를 비롯한 8개 시·도지사와 해당 지역구 국회의원들이 한자리에 모인 뜻깊은 첫 행사로, 참석자들은 지난 제18회 영호남 시·도지사 협력회의에서 채택한 공동협력과제와 시·도별 입법 현안에 대한 협력방안을 논의하고, 수도권에 대응하는 남부권 성장거점 구축을 위한 영호남 시·도지사·국회의원 공동결의문을 채택했다.
특히, 수려한 광경을 자랑하는 남해안 가치를 인식하고 새로운 성장동력으로 활용하는 데 뜻을 모으며, 남해안권 발전 특별법 처리에 우선 협력하기로 했다.
또한, “대한민국의 정치, 경제, 문화의 중심이었던 영호남은 과도한 수도권 집중으로 정책적 소외감이 커지고 있어, 이제 영·호남 협력은 선택의 문제가 아니고 생존의 문제“라며 ”수도권에서 거리가 먼 곳일수록 교부세 배분 등 각종 인센티브를 차별화시켜 균형발전을 도모해야 한다는 게 8개 영·호남 시·도지사님들의 공통된 의견”이라고 강조했다.
이날 회의에서 논의한 협력과제는 ▲ 지역기후대응기금 국가 지원 ▲ 저출생 대응 협력 및 재정지원 확대 ▲ 지방재정 위기 극복 대책 공동대응 ▲ 개발제한구역 지역전략사업 대체지 지정요건 완화 ▲ 가업상속공제 대상 확대 ▲ 사회보장제도 신설․변경 협의 개선 ▲ 지역기반 광역비자 제도 건의 ▲ 섬 발전 촉진법 개정안 국회 통과 협조 등 8개 공동협력과제와 ▲울산~양산 고속도로 구축 ▲ 영호남 내륙선(전주~김천) 철도 건설 ▲ 전라선(익산~여수) 고속철도 전 노선 신설 ▲ 동대구~창원~가덕도신공항 고속철도 건설 등 지역균형발전과제 8건이다.
시도별 입법 현안은 ▲우주항공복합도시 건설 특별법 제정(경남) ▲ 부산 글로벌허브도시 특별법 제정(부산) ▲ 대구경북 통합신공항 특별법 개정(대구) ▲ 인공지능산업 육성법 제정(광주) ▲ 법인 본사 이전 감면 조건 완화 조세특례제한법 개정(울산) ▲ 전북 대도시권 포함 대도시권 광역교통 특별법 개정(전북) ▲ 전라남특별자치도 특별법 제정(전남) ▲ APEC 특별법 제정(경북) 등 16건으로 향후 국회 논의 과정에서 협력해 나가기로 했다.
또한, 영·호남의 발전이 곧 국가의 경쟁력이라는데 인식을 같이하고 수도권과 지방이 함께 성장하는 진정한 지방시대를 만들기 위해 영·호남 시·도지사 8명과 국회의원 92명 등 100명이 공동결의문을 채택했다.
공동결의문에는 ▲ 지방 중심의 균형발전을 정부 정책기조에 우선 반영하고, ▲ 중앙정부 권한이양과 자치재정권 확대, ▲ 지역균형발전과 투자유치 확대를 위한 정부 세법 개정안의 국회 통과 ▲ 영·호남 시·도 균형발전과제 및 입법 현안, 국비 확보에 대해 함께 협력한다는 내용이 담겼다.
영·호남 상생협력회의의 실효성과 지속성 제고를 위해 회의를 정례적으로 개최하고, 매회의 시 시·도별 대표 입법현안을 선정해 국회 차원에서 구체적으로 협력해 나가기로 했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
First Gyeongnam-Honam City/Provincial Governors/National Assembly Members Hold Mutual Growth Cooperation Meeting
Chairman Park Wan-soo: “Yeongnam-Honam Cooperation is Not a Choice, but a Matter of Survival”
Gyeongnam Governor Park Wan-soo, who is the chairman of the Yeongnam-Honam City/Provincial Governors Cooperation Meeting, invited the Yeongnam-Honam regional National Assembly members to the FKI (Korea Economic Association) Tower Conference Center in Seoul on the 30th and asked them to become a single team for the development of Yeongnam-Honam, saying, “Yeongnam-Honam cooperation is not a choice, but a matter of survival.”
This meeting was a meaningful first event where the eight city and provincial governors and the National Assembly members of their respective districts gathered together, including Gyeongnam Governor Park Wan-soo, who is the chairman of the Yeongnam and Honam City and Provincial Governors’ Cooperation Council. The attendees discussed the joint cooperation tasks adopted at the 18th Yeongnam and Honam City and Provincial Governors’ Cooperation Council and cooperation measures for legislative issues by city and province, and adopted a joint resolution of the Yeongnam and Honam city and provincial governors and National Assembly members to establish a southern growth base corresponding to the metropolitan area.
In particular, they agreed to recognize the value of the southern coast, which boasts beautiful scenery, and to utilize it as a new growth engine, and to give priority to cooperation in processing the special law on the development of the southern coast area.
Park Wan-soo, chairman of the Yeongnam-Honam City and Provincial Governors’ Cooperation Council, said in his welcoming speech, “I know that this is the first time that the eight Yeongnam-Honam city and provincial governors and the Yeongnam-Honam regional constituency members have gathered together,” and “Today’s meeting is an important first step toward balanced development in the Republic of Korea through the development of Yeongnam-Honam.”
He also emphasized, “Yeongnam-Honam, which used to be the center of politics, economy, and culture in the Republic of Korea, is increasingly feeling marginalized in policy due to excessive concentration in the metropolitan area, so Yeongnam-Honam cooperation is no longer a matter of choice but a matter of survival,” and “The eight Yeongnam-Honam city and provincial governors’ common opinion is that the farther away from the metropolitan area, the more we should differentiate various incentives such as local tax distribution to promote balanced development.”
The cooperative tasks discussed at the meeting that day were ▲ national support for the regional climate response fund ▲ expansion of cooperation and financial support for low birth rate response ▲ joint response to overcoming local financial crisis ▲ relaxation of requirements for designation of alternative sites for regional strategic projects in development restriction areas ▲ expansion of targets for inheritance tax deductions for family businesses ▲ improvement of consultations on establishment and modification of social security systems ▲ suggestions for regional-based metropolitan visa systems ▲ cooperation in passing the revised Island Development Promotion Act through the National Assembly, etc., and 8 joint cooperation tasks, including ▲ construction of the Ulsan-Yangsan Expressway ▲ construction of the Yeongnam inland line (Jeonju-Gimcheon) railroad ▲ construction of all Jeolla Line (Iksan-Yeosu) high-speed railroad lines ▲ construction of the Dongdaegu-Changwon-Gadeokdo New Airport high-speed railroad, etc. The legislative issues by city and province are ▲Enactment of the Special Act on the Construction of a Space and Aerospace Complex City (Gyeongnam) ▲Enactment of the Special Act on the Busan Global Hub City (Busan) ▲Revision of the Special Act on the Daegu-Gyeongbuk Integrated New Airport (Daegu) ▲Enactment of the Act on the Promotion of Artificial Intelligence Industry (Gwangju) ▲Revision of the Special Act on the Reduction of Tax Exceptions for the Relocation of Corporate Headquarters (Ulsan) ▲Revision of the Special Act on Metropolitan Transportation in Metropolitan Areas Including the Jeonbuk Metropolitan Area (Jeonbuk) ▲Enactment of the Special Act on Jeonnam Special Self-Governing Province (Jeonnam) ▲Enactment of the APEC Special Act (Gyeongbuk), etc., and they agreed to cooperate in the future National Assembly deliberation process.
In addition, 100 people, including 8 mayors and provincial governors of Yeongnam and Honam and 92 members of the National Assembly, adopted a joint resolution in order to create a true local era in which the metropolitan area and local areas grow together, recognizing that the development of Yeongnam and Honam is directly related to the competitiveness of the country.
The joint resolution included the following: ▲ Prioritizing balanced development centered on local governments in the government policy direction, ▲ Delegating authority to the central government and expanding local government finances, ▲ Passing the government tax law amendment bill for balanced development and investment attraction in the National Assembly, ▲ Cooperating on balanced development tasks and legislative issues for cities and provinces in Yeongnam and Honam, and securing national funds.
In order to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the Yeongnam-Honam Mutual Growth and Cooperation Conference, it was decided to hold regular meetings and select representative legislative issues for each city and province at each meeting to cooperate specifically at the National Assembly level. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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