홍 시장은 생활 밀착형 사업에 대한 구청장의 역할이 중요하다는 것을 강조하면서, 구청 주관사업은 물론 본청 주관사업도, 구청장이 면밀히 파악하여 우선순위 사업을 선정‧보고하라고 지시한 바 있다.
이날 첫 번째로 개최한 의창구에서는, 북면 화천 민원센터 재건축 등 39개 사업, 두 번째로 개최한 성산구에서는, 주요 도로 포장 및 가로수 정비 등 36개 사업을 보고했으며, 시민생활과 더욱 밀접하고 체감도가 높은 사업에 대해 집중 논의했다.
특히 이번 보고회는 종료 시간을 정하지 않고, 예산의 운용, 공공시설 공사의 수급‧계획 검토 등 시민들이 일상에서 삶의 질이 개선됐음을 확실히 느낄 수 있도록 심도 있는 논의가 진행된다.
홍남표 창원시장은 “시민들에게 꼭 필요한 사업이지만 2025년 예산편성 시 예산을 확보하지 못한다면 또 1년을 기다려야 한다”고 하면서 “시민생활과 밀접한 사업은 반드시 당초 계획대로 추진될 수 있도록 예산확보부터 사업추진까지 본청과 구청의 긴밀한 협조를 바란다”고 당부했다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*Below is the [full text] of the English article translated using ‘Google Translate’.‘Google Translate’ is working to increase understanding.It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
Changwon Special Mayor Hong Nam-pyo holds ‘Priority Project Discussion for Each District Office’
39 projects in Uichang-gu, 36 projects in Seongsan-gu
In order to focus on promoting projects that are directly related to the daily lives of citizens, Changwon Special City held a 'District-specific Lifestyle-oriented Project Priority Reporting Meeting' at the City Hall Conference Room, starting with Uichang-gu and Seongsan-gu on the 12th, and held meetings with Masanhoewon-gu and Masanhoewon-gu. Masan Happo-gu is scheduled to hold a briefing session on the 13th, and Jinhae-gu is scheduled to hold a briefing session on the 14th.
Mayor Hong emphasized that the role of the district mayor in life-related projects is important, and instructed the district mayor to closely understand not only the district office-sponsored projects but also the main office-sponsored projects, and select and report on priority projects.
Uichang-gu, which held its first event on this day, reported 39 projects, including the reconstruction of the Hwacheon Civil Service Center in Buk-myeon, and Seongsan-gu, which held its second event, reported 36 projects, including major road paving and street tree maintenance, making it more closely related and tangible to citizens' lives. There was intensive discussion on high-risk projects.
In particular, this briefing session does not have an end time, and in-depth discussions will be held to ensure that citizens can clearly feel that their quality of life has improved in their daily lives, including budget management and review of supply and demand and plans for public facility construction.
Changwon Mayor Hong Nam-pyo said, “It is a necessary project for citizens, but if we do not secure the budget during the 2025 budget, we will have to wait another year,” adding, “We must first secure the budget and promote the project so that projects that are closely related to citizens’ lives can be carried out as originally planned.” “We hope for close cooperation between the main office and the district office,” he said. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>