최종 후보자 2인 중 한 명인 최홍영 은행장이 역대 최고 실적 달성 등 양호한 경영성과에도 불구하고 조직의 미래와 세대교체를 위해 용퇴를 결정함에 따라 단독 후보가 된 예경탁 부행장보는 프리젠테이션, 심층 면접 등을 거쳐 임원후보추천위원회의 추천을 받아 이사회에서 후보 확정됐으며, 주주총회를 거쳐 3월 선임이 완료된다.
1966년생인 예경탁 부행장보는 밀양고등학교, 부산대학교(사회학과)를 졸업하고 창원대학교에서 경영학 석사를 마쳤다. 1992년 입행해 율하지점장, 인사부장, 카드사업부장, 동부영업본부장등을 두루 거치고 2021년부터 여신운영그룹장 겸 여신지원본부장을 맡아왔다.
임원후보추천위원회는 “예경탁 부행장보는 BNK경남은행 주요 부문을 두루 거친 전문가로 특히 여신운영그룹장을 맡으며 리스크 관리에 탁월한 역량을 보였다. 향후 전망되는 어려운 금융 환경속에서도 조직을 안정적으로 이끌고 지역경제에 활력을 불어넣을 적임자로 판단된다”고 말했다.
예경탁 부행장보는 코로나19 등으로 어려운 시기에 여신운영그룹장을 맡아 우수한 경영실적을 견인했으며 젊은 리더십으로 조직 내 소통과 혁신을 이끌어낼 것으로 평가 받고 있다.
한편 예경탁 부행장보는 오는 4월 1일부터 제15대 은행장으로 공식적인 행보를 시작할 예정이다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.
*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.
BNK Kyongnam Bank confirms ‘Ye Kyung-tak, Deputy Chief Executive Officer’ as the 15th president of the bank
Official action begins on April 1st
BNK Kyongnam Bank announced on the 28th that Ye Kyung-tak, assistant vice president, was recommended and confirmed as the 15th bank president.
One of the two final candidates, Choi Hong-young, the bank manager, decided to resign for the sake of the organization's future and generational change despite good management performance, such as achieving the best performance ever. The candidate was confirmed by the board of directors after being recommended by the Executive Candidate Recommendation Committee, and the appointment is completed in March through the general shareholders' meeting.
Born in 1966, Vice President Ye Gyeong-tak graduated from Miryang High School, Pusan National University (Department of Sociology), and earned a Master's degree in Business Administration from Changwon University. He entered the service in 1992 and went through various positions such as Yulha Branch Manager, Personnel Manager, Card Business Manager, Dongbu Sales Head, etc., and since 2021, he has served as the head of the Loan Operation Group and Head of the Loan Support Headquarters.
The Executive Candidate Recommendation Committee said, “Assistant Vice President Ye Kyung-tak is an expert who has worked in major areas of BNK Kyongnam Bank. He is judged to be the right person to lead the organization stably and revitalize the local economy, despite the difficult financial environment ahead.”
Deputy Chief Executive Officer Kyungtak Yeh served as the head of the Loan Management Group during difficult times such as Corona 19, leading to excellent management performance, and is expected to lead communication and innovation within the organization with his young leadership.
Meanwhile, Ye Kyung-tak, deputy chief executive officer, will begin his official career as the 15th president of the bank on April 1. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>
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