창원시, 착한 선결제에 창원상의 적극 동참시·창원상공회의소·창원시 소상공인연합회 선결제 동참 협약 체결
내수 부진과 소비심리 악화로 벼랑 끝에 몰린 소상공인을 돕고 얼어붙은 민생경제에 온기를 불어넣자는 창원시의 요청에 최재호 창원상공회의소 회장과 신상율 창원시 소상공인연합회 회장이 적극 참여함으로써 자리가 마련됐다.
업무협약을 통해 창원상공회의소는 지역기업의 선결제 동참을 위한 ‘릴레이 캠페인’을 주도하기로 하고 창원시 소상공인연합회는 지역기업과 소상공인의 지속적 상생관계를 위해 참여기업의 생산품 구매와 홍보 등을 약속했다.
이번 협약을 통해 공공기관에 한정되었던 착한 선결제 캠페인이 민간 부분까지 자발적으로 확산되어 지역경제 활성화에 긍정적인 효과를 낼 것으로 기대된다.
홍남표 시장은 “기업들의 선결제 동참에 감사드리며 지역사회 공동체가 지금처럼 힘을 모은다면 작금의 경제위기도 잘 극복해 낼 것으로 생각한다”며 “시에서도 소비위축으로 어려운 지역경제 상황에 적극 대처하기 위해 모든 행정력을 쏟겠다”고 말했다.
한편 ‘착한 선결제 캠페인’은 창원시가 민생경제 활성화 대책으로 소상공인의 적기 자금순환을 지원하기 위해 연초 시책으로 추진하고 있으며 2월까지 전 부서 업무추진비와 급량비의 30%인 20억원 결제를 목표로 추진하고 있다.
*아래는 위 기사를 '구글 번역'으로 번역한 영문 기사의 [전문]입니다. '구글번역'은 이해도 높이기를 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 영문 번역에 오류가 있을 수 있음을 전제로 합니다.<*The following is [the full text] of the English article translated by 'Google Translate'. 'Google Translate' is working hard to improve understanding. It is assumed that there may be errors in the English translation.>
Changwon City, Changwon Chamber of Commerce and Industry actively participates in the good prepayment campaign City, Changwon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Changwon Small Business Association sign agreement to participate in the prepayment campaign
Changwon City, Changwon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Changwon Small Business Association signed a business agreement on the 16th to expand the ‘good prepayment campaign’.
In response to Changwon City’s request to help small business owners who are on the brink due to sluggish domestic demand and deteriorating consumer sentiment and to breathe some warmth into the frozen people’s economy, the venue was created with the active participation of Choi Jae-ho, Chairman of the Changwon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Shin Sang-yool, Chairman of the Changwon Small Business Association.
Through the business agreement, the Changwon Chamber of Commerce and Industry decided to lead a ‘relay campaign’ for local companies to participate in the prepayment campaign, and the Changwon Small Business Association promised to purchase and promote products from participating companies for the continuous mutually beneficial relationship between local companies and small business owners.
Through this agreement, the Good Prepayment Campaign, which was limited to public institutions, is expected to voluntarily expand to the private sector and have a positive effect on revitalizing the local economy.
Mayor Hong Nam-pyo said, “I appreciate the companies’ participation in the prepayment campaign. I believe that if the local community works together like this, we will overcome the current economic crisis well.” He added, “The city will also devote all of its administrative power to actively responding to the difficult local economic situation due to the decline in consumption.”
Meanwhile, the ‘Good Prepayment Campaign’ is being promoted as a policy at the beginning of the year by Changwon City to support the timely circulation of funds for small business owners as a measure to revitalize the people’s economy, and is being promoted with the goal of paying 2 billion won, which is 30% of the work promotion expenses and salary expenses of all departments, by February. <저작권자 ⓒ 브레이크뉴스경남 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>